Amazing Anime Wallpapers for your Mobile that Makes You Feel Like a Main Character, Anime wallpaper for iphone, anime wallpaper for ipad, anime wallpaper for whatsapp, best anime wallpapers for phone. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste, as well as the philosophy of art (its own field of philosophy that derives from aesthetics) It examines aesthetic values, often expressed judgments of taste. Aesthetics covers natural and artificial sources of experience and the way we form judgments about those sources. It considers what happens in our minds when we engage with objects or environments, such as viewing visual art, listening to music, reading poetry, performing a play, watching a fashion show, film, sport, or even exploring various aspects of nature. Specifically, the philosophy of art, specifically artists imagine, create, and display works of art, as well as how people use, enjoy, and criticize art. Aesthetics considers why people like some works of art and others not, as well as how art can affect moods or even our beliefs. Both aesthetics and philosophy of art ask questions such as "What is art?", "What is a work of art?" and "What makes good art?" Scholars in the field have defined the aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture, and nature". In modern English, the term "aesthetic" can also refer to the set of principles on which the works of a particular artistic movement or theory are based (e.g. Renaissance aesthetics).